Thursday, April 24, 2008

The Verdict is Still Out

We met with Dr. Segota this morning to learn the results of yesterday's tests. The CTscan showed that the cancer in my lung is stable, meaning it's the same size or slightly smaller. The same is true for the cancer in my lymph nodes. This is really good news! The progress in my bone is a little less clear. Originally, the cancer in my spine and pelvis was detected by a PETscan of my torso and MRIs of my head and spine. Yesterday, they performed a bone scan to gage the size of these cancer lesions. The results of the bone scan gave Dr. Segota suspicion that these lesions have grown, but it's hard to know for sure since I didn't originally have a bone scan, so she is comparing the current bone scan to an older PETscan. She could make a more accurate judgment if she was comparing the same test, so I am having another PETscan on Monday afternoon. That way she can look at the results from both PETscans to determine if the bone cancer has grown or is stable.

My next chemo treatment was scheduled for Tuesday, but it has been postponed until we know the results of my new PETscan. If the bone cancer is stable, we will continue the same chemo plan I was on. If it has progressed, we will have to discuss other options. The one Dr. Segota mentioned to us today is a clinical study that 10% of people in my situation are eligible for. For those who qualify for the study, it has been 90% effective. We set up another oncology appointment for next Thursday, so hopefully that is when I will have more answers.

I see the effects of your faithfulness in uplifting me to God everyday, and I am incredibly grateful. James 5:16 says, "The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective," and your prayers on my behalf have been both, so please continue your support.


Anonymous said...

love to all of you.

Anonymous said...

You have our prayers and I trust they are effective. Of course we have no righteousness of our own but have instead been clothed in th perfect righteousness of Christ. That allows us to daily carry your name into the very throne room of God. We do, He hears and He answers. For His glory and for your good...Bill and Suzi