Sunday, March 23, 2008

Resurrection reflection

"Could life so end, half told; its school so fail?
Soul, soul, there is a sequel to thy tale!"
~Robert Mowry Bell

Today is Easter Sunday, and I couldn't go to church because my chemotherapy doesn't allow me to be in crowds. The rest of the family went together and picked me up afterwards for brunch. Although I couldn't go to an Easter service, I had the morning to reflect on the freedom brought through Christ's resurrection. This gift is probably especially poignant to me this year given my circumstances. It is the ultimate blessing through the ultimate sacrifice. Despite my sin which deserves death, I will enjoy eternal life with the Creator of all things because He Himself died to pay for my sins. It is incredible to think on. We see crosses displayed in jewelry, art, on bumper stickers, even in tattoos - reminders of Christ's death are inescapable. But how often do we reflect upon His empty tomb? The story doesn't end with His crucifixion. It continues with His return to life! Of course, it seems inconceivable that He could have conquered death, but my faith is strengthened by evidence that His resurrection must be real. Some have said maybe He wasn't completely dead and simply regained consciousness, left the tomb, and appeared to people as if He was resurrected. But He was tortured too badly in His punishment to have gotten Himself out of the tomb and walked around appearing fully restored to those who saw Him within days of the crucifixion. Another theory is that He never actually left the tomb at all and the disappearance of the body was a rumor, but the Roman government would have wasted no time in presenting His dead body for any of His followers to see and be convinced He was truly dead. And knowing that nearly all of the disciples died brutally violent deaths defending their claims that He rose from the dead, it is inconceivable for me to believe they each went tortured into their graves defending a lie. This severely lessens the plausibility of the theory that they had stolen Jesus's body from the tomb and lied about seeing Him alive after the crucifixion in order to further their new religion. Reasoning like this mounts up until I am compelled to believe that an all-powerful God actually conquered death to save me, instead of believing improbable theories that His resurrection was some kind of hoax. How wonderful that the Lord provides evidence that means we don't have to suspend our intelligence to believe in the supernatural! Praise God!

I am surprised thus far that the effects of this round of chemo have been much milder than my first time. I have been told that I will feel cumulatively worse with each treatment because the adverse effects tend to add up as my immune system weakens. However, I think since this time I am not afraid to take my pain medications, I have had a better result. I wake up in the mornings with the same physical troubles I had the first time around, but they soon subside as I follow the doctor's orders. I make sure to get plenty of rest, and I am doing fine.

We were lucky to have another holiday meal at John and Shannon's house today. I had passed the platter on to Shannon at Thanksgiving, before we knew I would be sick. As it turns out, it was just another way God was preparing us for changes in advance. John and Shannon hosted another perfect family afternoon, and Erin provided gourmet desserts! My heart was overcome with joy and thanksgiving as I watched the two young parents dote on their kids. I don't know if I saw Addison's feet touch the floor once while I was over there, her dad was so busy scooping her up to kiss her, tickle her, or just carry her around while he drinks coffee. Annabelle was helping her aunt make homemade lemonade and set the table between cuddling with mom, Gram, Grandpa Bob, or whoever could get their hands on her in the short moments she was still. I was just so proud. I felt the same way when Emma was here with Steve and Dawn. Since they live in Virginia, I was so glad to have them stay in my home for a week and watch what incredible, loving parents they are.

But these same thoughts that filled me with such pride and joy make me very sad tonight. I went into Mackenzie's room in tears to tell her how I was feeling. Should God choose to take me home to be with Him soon, I grieve over the things I will miss. I want to see her cuddling her children. I want to know and influence the grandchildren to come. I hate to think Mackenzie won't be able to call her mom with a parenting question. I hate to think I won't smell any more newborn grandbabies and kiss their foreheads. I have four kids that God may continue to bless with even more children. I hate to think I might miss life landmarks for my children and their children. I remember before my mother died, she said she wanted to be able to see Addison get married, and Addison hadn't even been born yet. I guess no matter how old we are, or how much God prepares us for our inevitable death, our understanding of heaven is so stunted that we long to experience just a little more life here on earth. But I do know that God has something even greater than the smell of newborn grandbabies waiting for us in heaven. My prayer is that I will get to love and treasure all of them for eternity in heaven - the ones born during my lifetime and the ones to follow long after. I pray fervently that each of my children's children will know and accept the salvation and forgiveness of Jesus Christ through His death and resurrection so that we can share eternity together with our Lord. How absolutely perfect that would be - in the most literal sense of the word!

But since I've been thinking on the things I might miss out on whenever the Lord decides to take me home, I am a little heartbroken tonight. Hopefully, you can help me out. I know I need a few good laughs, so please post any joke you know as a comment on this blog to brighten my spirits and give the rest of my readers a smile! God bless!


Anonymous said...

By the time Mackenzie gets married and has kids we may all be with you in heaven!!! Keep your spirits up and know that you will always be around to see everything. I know my Dad see's everything I do - even when I don't really want him too!! Remember you have passed the torch down to Steve, Erin, and Shannon and Kenz can always turn to them!! Plus she always has me - a 32 year old, divorced, unemployed, poor actress - I can give her great advice!!!
I really loved your blog tonight and I felt like I had a history lesson. I always make Mackenzie teach me about Christ any time she can!! I will be seeing you soon as long you feel ok with visitors. You don't ever have to do anything special for me - I want to come and help you in any way I can. I am so glad the chemo had a more mild effect on you - that is wonderful!!
I love you and pray for you every day!! Keep listening to the doctors!!
Talk to you soon!!

Anonymous said...

Dear Jayne...I couldn't sleep and decided to read your blog. What a blessing! I was thinking so much about the resurrection today too. I was a little down myself, but I thought of the blessed hope we have in Christ. I love the message of Easter. I think about you and pray for you all the time. I even had a card to send you by Easter and I didn't make it. I will send it soon. You are much thought of and LOVED!
Donna Curran (I don't know how to sign up so I used "anonymous" but I am really not anonymous!)

Anonymous said...

What do you call a fish with no eyes.....?

A fsh

Ok, that works much better in person. Rachel pretty well took the words out of my mouth. You have done some wonderful things in your time on this Earth. One can tell simply by knowing those you have influenced. I think your love, dedication, and faith have been passed down to Mackenzie. I am blessed to have such a great friend in my life. Remember that you will always be with your family. Your love will be transferred through your children to their children, and your influence will continue create loving families.

Thank you for continuing to share your life with us. It has been a blessing for my family.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand the timing thing either for you ....but I didn't understand algebra either !
But I do Love YOU

Anonymous said...

Jayne I don't know if you remember that I work in the office at Kretz Lumber and also Kretz Trucking so this was one that came to mind when you asked for a joke.
A truck driver that had spent almost his entire adult life driving up and down the west coast was doing just that one day, when all of a sudden he heard God's voice. God told him, since he had been a good and faithful servant, a good husband, a wonderful father, and a hard worker all his life, he would be granted one wish. The truck driver said that he had always dreamed of going to Hawaii, not flying, but driving, so it would be wonderful if God would build a highway to Hawaii. God was overwhelmed and asked the man if he realized what he was asking. All the manpower, all the cement and steel, not to mention the technical know how it would take to build such a road. God asked if maybe there was something else the man would want. The man replied that even though he was very much in love with his wife, she always confused him. He wanted to know if God would explain women to him, how they think, what makes them do some of the things they do. God responded, "would you like that highway to be two or four lanes?"

Take care. Remember, when you look at the night sky, I'm praying for you.

Anonymous said...

Garfield on the oil crisis:

A lot of folks can't understand how we came to have an oil shortage here in our country. Well, there's a very simple answer. Nobody bothered to check the oil. We just didn't know we were getting low. The reason for that is purely geographical. Our OIL in located in: Alaska, California, Coastal Florida and Louisiana, Wyoming, Utah, Kansas, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania and Texas. Our dipsticks are located in DC. Any Questions? NO?...Didn't think so.
Love ya' Suzi

Anonymous said...

This is Amy, a voice from Erin's days at SRCS. I read your blog for Easter and it was beautiful! i acyually have many jokes, most of which I would never put in print with my name attached!!! I am a breast cancer survivor, and am here to tell you not to ever lose sight that cancer is not the boss of you. Your Father upstairs is...and his plans for you are perfect. I prayed each day for one more day, and its been 10 years now. I always think it'll be my luck I'll be on the way to an appointment and get plowed over by a bus! Makes you realize that worrying about when is really silly as we all have a when! joke...The FBI had an opening for an assassin. After all the background checks,
interviews and testing were done, there were 3 finalists; two men and a woman. For the final test, the FBI agents took one of the men to a large metal door and handed him a gun. 'We must know that you will follow your instructions no matter what the circumstances.

Inside the room you will find your wife sitting in a chair . . . Kill
her!!' The man said, 'You can't be serious. I could never shoot my
wife.' The agent said, 'Then you're not the right man for this job. Take your wife and go home.'

The second man was given the same instructions. He took the gun and
went into the room. All was quiet for about 5 minutes. The man came out with tears in his eyes, 'I tried, but I can't kill my wife.' The agent said, 'You don't have what it takes. Take your wife home.'

Finally, it was the woman's turn. She was given the same instructions,
to kill her husband. She took the gun and went into the room. Shots were heard, one after another. They heard screaming, crashing, banging on the walls. After a few minutes, all was quiet. The door opened slowly and there stood the woman, wiping the sweat from her brow. 'This gun is loaded with blanks' she said. 'I had to beat him to death with the chair.'
Women are crazy. Don't mess with them.

I'll keep praying
Amy Cecil

Anonymous said...


So I just got to read this because I was out at sea. What a great job you did of focusing on what is important in life. I love the fact that Easter and Christmas are linked forever. I don't have a joke but I did want to share this. Although I don't have anything to back this up...I believe that if you are in heaven before you have more grandchildren here, through God's grace you will get to see your grandkids from the moment of creation. How cool would that be? I love you.

Anonymous said...

A silly....


When giving directions in South Florida , you should always start with the words, Take I-95 to. . .

If you're a snowbird or a visitor, you absolutely cannot drive between the hours of 6am and 10am and 4pm and 8pm. This is considered to be rush hour and you're not in any rush. No exceptions.

Some roads just stop for no reason and then start again:

A1A and ALT A1A are the same streets.

Traffic Lights aren't timed and never will be.

We measure the distance you travel in time not miles.

I-95 is a parking lot. Get used to it.

If you miss your exit on I-95, its perfectly acceptable to back up.

Know the difference between Sun Pass , Sun Fest, Sun- Sentinel, and Sun Trust.

Flip flops, tank tops and baggy shorts are also known as business casual.

Your blinker means nothing.

English is our second language.

It is totally acceptable to be living in South Florida but not root for The Dolphins, The Marlins, The Heat or The Panthers.

We have alligators here in South Florida and they WILL bite you.

Clematis is a street not a disease.

When a hurricane is headed our way, even though you have advanced warning and you are told to be prepared, you're not a true Floridian unless you wait until the absolute last minute to go to Home Depot to pick up plywood or to Publix to stock up water, ice, beer, and potato chips.

You know how to spell Okeechobee.

Do NOT buy a boat. Make friends with someone who already owns a boat.

There is an Okeechobee Blvd , Street, Avenue, a town, a lake and a county.

There's always a Walgreens across the street from a CVS on almost every corner - with more being built every day.

When picking up a woman on South Beach , look for an Adams apple.

Get used to sweating when you are putting up your holiday decorations.

Jupiter is a city not a planet.

Seniors have to do their errands during the weekdays. Not weeknights or weekends - that's for the working folks.

There are three types of dolphins: Mahi-mahi, flipper, and also one called a football team.

You can't say; "this is how we did it up north", if you think that way, then go back.

No matter what they decide in Tallahassee you will never be able to figure out your property taxes.

Learn how to dress in layers. It will be 95 degrees outside but inside any restaurant or business it is 55 degrees.

Anonymous said...

There once was an old man from Esser
Who's knowledge grew lesser and lesser,
It at last grew so small
He knew nothing at all,
And now he's a college professor.

Jayne, Know that you spirit will live on in your children - you have raised them well. You are in our thoughts and prayers

from - Lisa Simoneau Stapleton

Anonymous said...

I love reading your blog, because it touches me in more ways than you will ever know.
God has a way of putting people into our lives that can help us through the difficult times. The Lord loves your children and grandchildren and those to come even more than you do. He would never give us something more than we can handle. I know that God has the perfect plan for when He takes you home, not a day too early. So whether it is a year from now or fifteen years He is already working in the lives of all those around you to prepare them. When the Lord created each one of you He knew the day He would take you to be home with Him and knew exactly how long you would be here on earth with them.
Oh how precious is each day, and what a blessing to be able to really be able to appreciate it for all that it is worth.
I have shared your blog with many from my church, some nonbelievers, and my friend Kay who is head of patient services and the American Cancer Society in San Diego. I know that you are blessing and helping so many people through this blog. I praise God for you and your strength. We all should pray to be as strong as a witness and have the faith you do through each trial. I am praying for you and love you dearly. Please, please do not hesitate to call if you need anything.