We had a ball in New York City, creating laughter and memories. We were able to see another Broadway show, Young Frankenstein, from the first row! It was amazing to see the detail in their costumes close up, not to mention the amount of sweat and spit that falls on stage! The musical was just as funny as the movie and very impressive in performance and technical talent. On Valentine's Day, Bob took the girls out for lunch at Tavern on the Green. It was a gorgeous day, and the elegant dining room adorned with real blossoms and elaborate chandeliers was drenched in sunlight from the encircling windows. A perfect day for a marriage proposal, we figured! We kept our eyes glued to every affectionate young couple that walked in, but no one got on his knee. What's wrong with these guys?! However, we got our satisfaction later that night on the top of the Empire State building when a couple got engaged right next to us! They were giddy and cute as we took pictures of them and admired the ring. We did so much during our week in the city that the flight home was a blur of exhaustion. It was great to get back into our own beds and sleep in!
Shannon and Annabelle came over to welcome us home yesterday and collect their portion of the spoils from our trip. I was happy to see my girls I had missed so much! The rest of the day was spent lying in bed and watching a marathon of movies. I needed to rest up for the upcoming busy week with my biopsy, chemo, and BIRTHDAY! The winter is such a popular time for birthdays in my family, people start to think we're joking by the end of February. But as God would have it, He saved the best for last in our family birthdays and mine ends the series at February 20th! You can send all cards and gift packages to the address listed in my first blog post! :)
Please continue your prayers and support. They are greatly needed and appreciated!
There will be more NYC pictures to follow, but here's a sampling. The first couple are a tribute to our trio of red coats, and the last is Bob and I showing our "Dogs Rule" fashion sense in front of Louis Vuitton.
Glad to have you back in town.
We love you and are on call for you 24/7. I am on my knees as you instructed.
Bryan & Norma
It's good to hear you had such a memorable time in the city. Nice coats! I couldn't see the other two pictures, though, for some reason. When will you get these latest results back?
Love the dogs rule hats even if I disagree...cats are better...Suzi
i understand someone has a birthday today! HAPPY HAPPY! enjoy the special day with your family and friends...make them spoil and pamper you all day long!
I am a long term reader first time poster :). Just wanted to say that it has been truly inspirational. Anytime I am feeling lost I find myself rereading parts of your blog, it simply reminds me how we truly are in God's hands, and that always helps me find my way on my own journey. Keep the faith, God bless.... and Happy Birthday!!!!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY dear Jayne...
YAY! Hope you are having a great birthday! Make Kenz give you a foot massage and fan you. lol. Love you!
Happy Happy Birthday!!! I am sorry I am about 15 minutes late. Glad you had such a wonderful time in NYC - saw some great shows, ate at great resturants!! I will be coming to visit and help out soon!! I love you and happy happy birthday - I hope it was wonderful.
Love, Rach
Hey Jayne! HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! What does this make you- 30 years old, right? I know you were in your 29th year and holding, but I figure 30 sounds like a pretty okay year as well! I'm sorry I'm a bit late on sending you my birthday wishes, but I've always thought of birthdays as being worth celebrating for an entire week's span! I'm so glad (and jealous!) you all got to share such a special week in NYC together! I've actually never been, and have been dying to visit for years now. I know Sloan Kettering is amazing, and was very glad to hear that your doctors were 'good people' and that they were able to fit you in so quickly.
Also, I wanted to let you know that I've really been praying hard for you. I pray for the whole bunch, especially. I know that cancer is not a one person battle, and amazingly, you've got an army of warriors behind you. Your words have been such a testimony. A testimony of your spirit, your family's connectedness, and your unwavering faith and love for Jesus. What a blessing you have been to so many others through your own ordeal! Being a cancer survivor, I know that the disease can hit you in ways you didn't think was possible. But, I also know that your faith in Christ and zest for life can make magical things happen. I was given a terrible prognosis- hepatoblastoma (a rare and severe form of liver cancer) with a grapefruit size liver tumor. This was back when most cancer treatments were experimental. My parents were told that I would not survive. Actually, I don't even think they were given a time frame! I was in the hospital for a year and underwent the most aggressive forms of chemo. I had 3/4 of my liver and my gallbladder removed, got a punctured lung, went code blue four times, and had multiple blood transfusions -- "Ah! The blood in my veins isn't mine?" Weird, right? But, apparently, even at a young age I was stubborn as hell, and here I am today. Undoubtedly, my oncologist, nurses, and my surgeon were amazing. But, more than anything the Lord did his work on me; leading the doctor's hands as well as giving my family the strength to keep the fight alive!
I am a big believer in beating the odds, and know that like myself you are a fighter (I know this not only from your blogs, but also, because I know Kenz:)) Which takes me to another point- I have been so lucky to have been blessed with the friendship of your daughter, Mackenzie. I love her to death. She has added such joy to my collegiate years. The moments I spent laughing with her are immeasurable! For as long as I've known her, and even long before I ever met you; I knew you were a special woman. Mackenzie is one in a million (Of course, it's no surprise having spent the first 19 years of her life around such a spunky 29 year old such as yourself!).... She is truly a shining example of strength, dignity, and comical commentary! We all could learn great lessons from her! And in this case, like mother, like daughter; I think you are just WONDERFUL!!!!
I am behind you and your 'team' 100percent! If there is ever anything I can help you (all) out with- I am one phone call away. Keep up the faith; always knowing that with hope, faith, and love- greatness will prevail! You are an inspiration, Jayne. Your story's beginning alone has left its mark on my heart. You go girl and give Kenz a big hug for me:) Hope you have an amazing Birthday/Week! :)
All of my Love,
Ali Thompson
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