Today was finally my first chemotherapy session. Dr. Segota's nurse Debbie called Monday morning to inform us that the biopsy results were positive for cancer in my spine. Since we had that answer, we could begin treatment right away. My chemo had been postponed and rescheduled numerous times over the past weeks, and of course, when the date was solidified, Mackenzie was out of town for the day. She offered to come home, but I knew that I have some amazing friends who have asked for opportunities to help me, and when I called Donna and Suzi, they were delighted to keep me company during my chemo. Donna and I arrived at 9:00am this morning for the all-day affair. While the experience was long, it certainly wasn't as uncomfortable as I expected - I think greatly because I was well cared for by my companions. Donna and I spent the morning growing closer through conversation about our lives and our Lord. Then Suzi came in for the lunch shift with gifts as usual! After twenty years, the two of us have yet to run out of things to talk about. Erin left work early and sat with me through the last few hours until about 6:00pm. I felt comfortable with these three helpers, but also to find there were many familiar faces among the nurses in the chemo area. I met most of them when I used to accompany my mother to get her cancer treatment. They were all sweet to remember me and ask about her.
Truthfully, I think the timing of my chemo has turned out pretty perfectly since my hair has grown out to a completely awkward length! No hair might be an improvement over the unruly style I've had lately. And I'm excited to wear all of my bald-head accessories. I've got the scarf from Ragan, plus some cute hats I ordered online - I even ordered a matching set for Annabelle and me to wear together!
I know many of you have been praying for Annabelle's understanding and dealing with my cancer. I found out a few days ago that she has been praying for me as well. When Mackenzie was driving her home after a play day, Annabelle prayed out loud for her grandma. She said, "Dear God, please help Gram to feel good and keep her hair and always be happy and love me. In Jesus name, Amen." It made me cry to hear of her compassion, and that she had asked my daughters if she could get me medicine for my birthday so I would get better. They assured her that I had the best medicine possible, so Annabelle settled for giving me scented bath products instead. After I heard these stories, I thanked her for praying for me and told her I was OK with losing my hair, so she didn't need to feel worried about that. She was excited when I mentioned the idea of matching hats, so now I think she's actually waiting for my hair to fall out so we can start showing off our hats!
I feel fine tonight - just a little tired of sitting for so long! The nurses told me any effects from the chemo would begin tomorrow, so please pray that I do not get sick or overly fatigued. Thank you for continuing to check-up on me and encourage me!
Praying today that God will gird you with His strength for the battle. Psalm 18:39
Praying for you and hoping to see you soon! Stay strong... You can do it. You are an amazing woman, I know you can do it!! Love you always,
I'm sure it is a breath of fresh air to know what is going on, and to finally "get the ball rolling." Stay positive. My prayers are always with you.
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