All the birthday joy was a very timely comfort during a difficult week. As you know, I last wrote while waiting for my spine biopsy on Monday. Before the procedure began, the radiologist asked a nurse to grab Mackenzie from the waiting room so that he could speak with us both and allow us to make an informed decision. He didn't exactly understand the point of the biopsy since the previous tests indicated I almost certainly have cancer in my bone. We told him the oncologists had encouraged it so that we would have definitive knowledge over whether or not it is actually there. Here's the complication: Dr. Tate, the radiologist, informed us that even if the results of the biopsy come back negative for cancer, that is not proof that my spine is unaffected. It may just mean they didn't biopsy the exact area where the cancer is growing. He basically asked me if I was sure I wanted to go through this trying procedure with the knowledge that a negative result would not really prove I have no cancer in my spine. On the flip side, if the results are positive, we will know absolutely that we are dealing with Stage 4 cancer. We didn't come to a conclusion quickly. This is my fourth biopsy, and truthfully, I am exhausted from being prodded at and not receiving concrete answers from it. At the end of some time, we all agreed that since I had gone to the trouble of going all the way to Sloan-Kettering to get a recommendation, and since I was already at the hospital, I may as well go through with the procedure, and put faith in God to take care of the results. This may sound like a simple answer, but continuing to completely trust in the Lord while repeatedly making difficult life-altering decisions is tough. He has been faithful in giving me the strength I need, bit by bit, and I am encouraged by all your support, but I don't want anyone to misunderstand my journey as being uncomplicated or easily travelled. Without the care of my Lord and the loved ones he has blessed me with, I know this would be unmanageable for me. I am so thankful for God's salvation in daily life and in eternity!
Tuesday was scheduled to be my first chemo cycle, and from what we understood in speaking to nurses at the hospital, it was a go. Mackenzie and I arrived and registered, only to be met in the office by Dr. Segota's nurse, telling us that chemo would be again postponed indefinitely until the bone biopsy results are in. It may sound strange that I was sort of looking forward to the chemo cycle, but when you've been dreading the unknown for a while, it is a relief to feel you'll finally get it over with! I was really frustrated to find out at the last minute that I would again be put on hold. I shed a few tears and decided I HAD to get my nails done! By the end of the day, my spirits were rejuvinated, and now I am continuing to wait for these biopsy results. This has been the most painful recovery of my procedures, so please pray that my aches will be alleviated, my strength will be sustained, and my faith in the Lord will continue to grow while I am refined by these trials.
While I wait to hear from the doctors, I've been provided with unexpected time to knock some tasks off my perpetual "to-do" list. If you come over to visit anytime soon, I'll have to show you the delightful new drapes I've made for my bedroom window!
I'll leave you with some photos of Addison in her new Easter dresses! You can just see the trouble in her eyes!
Jayne...our friend Jackie Rodewald says that God is seldom early and never late. Praying He will meet each of your needs according to His riches in glory and knowing His faithfulness never fails. As for the draperies, when you are lying in bed recuping from treatments you will be most certainly glad He gave you this week to sew them! Can't wait to see them. Suzi
Hey! I just read your blog and thought I would send you Ragan's e-mail address. It is a joint one for her and Corey. She checks it often unless she is out of town or something. I'm so glad you had a great birthday!
You have no idea how encouraging it is to read this blog. I think about you all the time and am constantly praying for you. God is faithful and will give you all the strength you need for this time. Love you!
Hi Jayne,
I'm glad you liked the scarf...I thought it was bright and cheery like you:) I can't believe it got to you in time for your Birthday...truly a miracle! I'm so happy you, Bob and the girls were able to sport the Red coats and enjoy the Big Apple together. Seeing the J-Crew coat you sent Kenz freshmen year brings so many memories of all the things you brought to our house. I especialy liked the deer and the foot stool:)
You, Bob and the gang are always in my thoughts and prayers. I hope you had a wonderful 30th Birthday!
I was so glad to read your blog and fine out I am only 25 !!
Love, Jody
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