I am tired now, but it's not extreme. So far, God has answered your prayers and mine that I would not be nauseous or physically ill. My major complaint is aching bones from the Neulasta shot that evens out my white blood cell count. It's not a terrible pain, but it is constant and uncomfortable. It's interesting in that it is accutely localized. For a while, my thigh bone will ache, then it'll travel to my pelvis, then my skull, and all around my body like that. I've read up on it a bit, and the bone aches are only supposed to last a few days.
I miss my baby girls! Annabelle and Addison, as well as their mother, have had colds, so they can't come over. I sent Annabelle a card in the mail the other day, and she sends home gifts with Mackenzie, so we've been in communication. I can't wait to see them again! My friends have kept me from getting lonely though. Joann Cline, my best friend from high school sent me a shawl made especially and prayerfully for me by women at St. John's church in my hometown of Antigo, Wisconsin. She included pictures of her beautiful home wrapped in snow, and a photo of my dad Teachy when he was probably only 7 or 8 years old! She said my blog reminded her that I love to sew, and she recalled the time we made matching corduroy jumpers to go with our killer go-go boots in high school! We must have really been lookers! Another friend of mine named Jo sent me a list of verses that she prays for me and now I can pray with her. I must say, through this experience, very few of my tears have been because of sadness. I am put to shame by the kindness of the people God has brought into my life.
Bob and I are already the type to go to bed early, and now I've been spending more time resting in my room, so we bought the Bible on tape to listen to while we lay around. I've always loved being read to, especially because it was one of the sweet things Teachy would do for us girls. The voice of James Earl Jones on this Bible recording is certainly different, but it still reminds me of my dad.
I have one specific prayer I would like you all to say for me. If you have spent any time with me, you know that I am an artist. Painting, sewing, and general crafting are my favorite past-times. But lately I've been losing function in my left hand. It could be due to any number of things, but it is distressing when it interferes with my art. And it could be made worse as I continue treatment because one of the possible side effects of a drug I'm taking is the loss of feeling in my extremities. This is probably my biggest concern as far as reactions to my medication. Please pray for restored and continued dexterity in my hands so that I can continue to create.
Here are some pictures from my birthday breakfast last weekend, starting with the hosts of the party, Shannon and her husband John.