Friday, January 25, 2008

Good hair day :)

I figured since my hair will be gone in about a month, now would be the time to get a wildly sexy cut! I haven't had it this short since college, and I really love it! I went to a new hairdresser named Yvonne, who was adorable. Mackenzie and I had a good time talking to her and hearing stories of her evil mother-in-law, who fakes cancer for attention. That was pretty funny. So Yvonne, if you're reading, don't share this blog with your husband or in-laws :). On the way to the hairdresser's, we stopped at a wig shop to try on some looks. We found a couple winners, and realized there's a reason God did not make me a brunette!

Mackenzie and I had a "girls' day out" shopping for knee high boots and long skirts since Mackenzie will be singing in church and needs clothes to cover up as much skin as possible! I didn't find any boots for myself, but I did get a new pair of socks. Woohoo! I'm looking forward to wearing my new purchase to dinner at my good friends, Bryan and Norma's house tomorrow night. They are two of my many loyal friends who have seen me through the hardest of times, and I am pleasantly not surprised to know they're right here with me again for this new trial. I'm packing fun activities and outings with loved ones into the next couple of weeks, because once my treatment starts, I'll have to conserve energy and spend more time at home.

My adrenal gland biopsy has been scheduled for Monday morning, and my chemo port will be put in Tuesday. I am still feeling well, and am thankful for that. Bob and I got an enormous box of old pictures out of our storage unit, so I've been getting a lot of smiles out of going through those. Some of my kids had those faces only a mother could love in their early years! Thank goodness their good genes eventually kicked in and they turned out pretty good-looking. Today is my oldest one's birthday, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY STEVE! I LOVE YOU!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for singing to me from the hairdresser's today. I got a big smile from that. One day I will be able to say my sister Kenz once sang to me from a beatuy shop. And thanks for being a great more for the last ?? years. Love you.