Monday, January 28, 2008

Answered Prayers

This morning I went in for my adrenal biopsy, and left with what I think is good news! I was given a CT scan to find where the cancer was in my adrenal glands, and they couldn't find anything. So I was moved into another machine which takes smaller pictures to make sure they weren't missing anything, and again, no cancer. So since there was nothing to biopsy, they sent me home! The radiologist said he would call my oncologist to discuss the next steps. It would appear God is beginning to answer some of your many prayers on my behalf. From the notes my daughter took in our last oncology appointment, we think that my adrenal glands being clear of cancer would mean that instead of Stage 4, my case would be considered Stage 3b, so my odds would be better and treatment would be altered. I will talk to Dr. Segota soon to be sure that this information is correct, and then we can move forward.

We were blessed last night to hear a sermon from Dr. Warren Gage, from Knox Theological Seminary at the evening service at our church. I'm usually a morning church person, but since Mackenzie was asked to sing at this particular service, we were there to hear God's words and her rendition of "Amazing Grace." Dr. Gage preached from Genesis 14:1-24, one of those passages that speaks about some ancient battle, giving a lot of detailed information that when you read on your own, you can't possibly imagine how it could apply to you in any personal way. Boy was I wrong. It speaks of Abram going to battle with only 318 servants against one of the greatest military forces of Allied powers in ancient times. And he sweeps them! Only a few verses given to this monumental victory, that we could easily overlook. The Bible talks about Abram's strategy of splitting his men and attacking the enemy by night and ultimately prevailing. When the king he served offered to give him all the spoils from his victory, Abram refused them, lest people assume his riches and glory came from the earthly king rather than the one true God. Abram wanted all to know that he overcame insurmountable odds only because the Lord came to his rescue. The sermon spoke straight to my soul. I want that kind of courage of faith. I will continue to strategize by making some lifestyle changes, going through treatment, and continuing to research and follow medical advice to the best of my ability. But in the end, should God choose to rescue me, I want all glory to be His. Medical odds are against me, but the one true God is on my side. Whether He chooses to save me by taking me home to be with Him in heaven, or by providing me the removal of cancer from my earthly body, I pray that people will see that against insurmountable odds, my Lord came to my side and saw me through this.

I am not afraid of the battle that lies ahead, because I have the assurance of a winning outcome either way. I wish that same certainty for everyone. The Lord Jesus Christ saved my soul long ago, and so I have no reason to fear. Please continue to pray for me and encourage me along my path, but know that I have courage, strength and comfort from, "the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort," 2 Corinthians 1:3-4. What an awesome God we serve!


Anonymous said...

Ask MacKenzie to sing "Our God Is An Awesome God" and figure out how to put it on your blog !!

Jen said...

Hi! I'm Mackenzie's friend Jennifer Anderson. I just wanted to let you know that myself and the rest of my family are praying for you! You are in my thoughts and I'm glad to hear the good news about the adrenal glands! :)

Anonymous said...

Jayne, I am praying for you! I am one of Erin's coworkers from SRCS :) Please know that A LOT of people are praying for a miracle for you!!!

~Kerry Carlson~

Anonymous said...

My family and I are praying for you. Love , Katy, Karl, Kacie and Kyle Peterson (Erin's FBC friends)

Anonymous said...

I was checking out your blog, at Erin's request, to get an update and to encourage you. Instead, I was encouraged as I read your blog and realized that God is already being glorified through you right now as you are in the midst of it all. I pray that our Creator heals you completely so that He may be glorifed. I will be praying for you and your family, specifically that God will provide wisdom, discernment, peace and joy through these very difficult times.

Thanks for sharing your journey!

Love, Sharon Higerd

Anonymous said...

Hi Jayne,
Great news! Everyday I check on your updates and I am inspired by your faith. Humour is a great healer. I had to laugh when you mentioned the kids when they were little...I thought they were all beautiful! Shannon was a trend setter with her hairdo! Dearest friend know that you are always in my thoughts and prayers.
Pat & Nick

five in six said...

I have been keeping up on you through your blog and Erin's emails. I have tears in my eyes as I can feel your incredible faith through your entries. I pray that I would have strength and faith like you if I ever have to face a trial as you are now. Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. Praise God that He truly is a God of answered prayers.
In Him,
Paula (Jarvis) VandenOever

Ted Stephens III said...

i'm kenzie's from ted (from that wild trailer park musical). wanted to let you know that i've been keeping you in my thoughts and prayers recently...and i wish u the best. get out and wear those new boots! :)
