Well I finally went for a REALLY short 'do. My hair was steadily falling out, so yesterday morning I asked Mackenzie to help me shave it all off. I've heard stories from a lot of women who have been through chemo and had difficulty accepting their hair loss. I wasn't sure how I would react, but thankfully, it was not very traumatic for me. I have already seen my mother and sister bald, and I thought they still looked great! Even without the ornamentation of hair, we've got good genes in our family, and frankly, I still don't look half-bad! I've noticed that my head gets cold easily, so I'm wearing hats around the house. Other than that, there isn't much too complain about. I wore a wig to lunch with my sister Joanie today, and it was great to be able to get all ready and just throw my hair on before I walked out the door, knowing it looked great without any styling!
We checked in with Dr. Segota again on Wednesday. The appointments have gotten a little shorter since there's less new information as we continue this journey. The one minor issue was that some test results from my blood work came back different than expected. Dr. Segota said it was probably a lab error, but suggested I get retested to be safe. So on the way home we popped in at my general physician, Dr. Groene's, office to see if we could take care of it right away. She has some of the most friendly, affectionate office workers who gave me lots of hugs and did my blood work immediately. They talked me into waiting until Dr. Groene got out of her appointment so she could say hi. I was glad I stayed because Dr. Groene was happy to see me, sit down to chat and answer even more of my questions. Dr. Groene is a real blessing to me because she has been through severe cancer herself and offers me great hope, advice, and companionship. And as it turns out, the blood test results were a lab error.
The major change I've noticed in the past couple days is that I've lost my appetite. I've always been a big fan of all food, but lately I haven't even had a craving! I keep reminding myself to eat regularly, more for necessity than enjoyment. But I certainly don't mind this being the biggest of my problems at the moment.
The flowers at the top of the blog were from Bob the day my hair began falling out. The two at the bottom are proof that I have no shame. It's the shaving process - complete with a mullet!
praying for you. Sincerely, Katy Peterson--Erin's friend.
Jayne, You never cease to make me laugh! I DO think you look good without your usual DO. Amazing, you look a little bit more like Jesus everytime I see you . I love you...Suzi
You still look radiant and beautiful!
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