I'm writing now because I do have a few more interesting updates. Just today my hair began falling out. Mackenzie and I were joking about my unruly mane, and when I ran my hand through it, I came out with a dozen strands between my fingers. I've known this was going to happen, but I don't think you can prepare for that exact moment. Even with full knowledge of what to expect, it was shocking. But now I've become fascinated with it! I just keep pulling out little palmfuls, and every time I'm amazed at how easily it just falls right out. We'll see what happens when I wash it. I think I'll just shave it all off within a couple days and start wearing my fashionable new hats and scarfs.
I went to see my psychologist JaNon a few days after my meltdown. I call her my "rent-a-friend." I hadn't been in to see her since August, and when I walked into her office she asked me how yoga was going and if Mackenzie was enjoying living in New York. I realized I had a lot to fill her in on! She's usually a great help during my times of trial, but I've been so trialed-out lately I hadn't even found time to catch her up. I told her my yoga kick only lasted for three classes until I hurt my back, Mackenzie has postponed the big city move, and about the deaths in my family and my illness. It was my first shrink appointment where I found myself passing JaNon all the tissues. But this experience was again a reminder to me of the importance of choosing the right doctors. They are so much more than medical professionals to me. They become my friends. Dr. Jeffrey Thackery is another one of my doctors who left a message on my phone the other day just to ask how I was doing and let me know he was thinking of me. I have been blessed with such good people in my life.
I am still feeling pretty well. I have minor pains now and then, and of course I told you my hair is falling out, but mainly I feel pretty normal. Overall I am thankful that cancer doesn't have to interfere with every single aspect of my life. I still feel very happy and loved.
On Thursday I see Dr. Segota again and prepare for round 2 of chemo beginning March 18. I'll try not to keep you hanging so long before the next blog post!
I had promised more NYC pictures, so I'll add a whole bunch! Starting with the picture resulting from Mackenzie and I hijacking Erin's camera, to the two sisters proposing to each other at every romantic site on Valentine's Day, to the best of our site-seeing.

1 comment:
I just wanted to thank you for extending your house to me and my sister this past weekend. It was fun seeing all of the great artwork, family photos, and that darn puzzle. It was also reassuring to see how strong spirited you are. I admire it greatly. Glad to see the new post. God bless :).
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