When I first learned of the seriousness of my cancer, I was filled with worry for my family. I honestly didn't know how they could go on without me. I am immensely important in the lives of my husband, my kids, and my grandkids. I guess since I am so involved with them everyday, it was hard for me to imagine what life would look like without me. But as I spend these mornings looking back on my life and seeing how God has provided and cared for me, He comforts my soul. My fears are alleviated knowing that He will look after my family just as He has looked after me. Even if I can no longer be with them, God will never leave them. He has promised in both Deuteronomy and Hebrews, "I will never leave you nor forsake you." They are in good hands. And as I watch the love and loyalty between each of them, I know that they will also always be there for each other. I am proud of the close-knit family God has created here, and it soothes my fears to know I can trust God to complete the good work He has started in each of them.
Truthfully, this is a very good time in my life. I have a box on a table in my living room filled with notes from people who love me. I have never gotten so many cards and letters in my life, and it's a really good feeling! I don't worry too much about all the ways I want to change myself anymore because I know tomorrow is not promised. Instead, I focus on what makes me happy today. I paint and sew and watch TV shows about interior decorating. I take naps when I'm tired, drink lots of water, eat healthy, and do all the things I am supposed to do to encourage healing in my body. I have to tell you, one of the best things about being sick is everyone thinks it's great when you put on weight! I have steadily gained since my diagnosis, and my friends and doctors act like it's the best thing in the world! Who knew they were so easy to please?
Steve, Dawn, and Emma are back, and I am again amazed to watch the differences between my three granddaughters. Emma has created her own language, so half of her words are intelligible and the rest only have meaning to her. She still runs around on her tippy-toes, but she has learned new twirling dances, dozens of new words, and can count higher than any other one-year-old I've seen. She's got crystal blue eyes, a thick mane of dark hair, and a toothy smile that lights up the room. Addison is a couple months younger and as opposite as they come. She rarely uses words except in her daily temper tantrums where she dramatically throws herself to the floor crying and flailing, occasionally looking up to make sure we've noticed. She plays her own game of loading a chair with all the balls she can find while Annabelle and Emma run around her. She's finally getting a few more curls to add to the wispy blonde strands on her head. Annabelle still amazes me with her heart for others. She brings me homemade gifts every time she comes over, and explains to me that Jesus is living in her heart as we cuddle in bed. She takes after her Gram with her artistry, so we love to sit and make crafts together.
So life goes on as usual, and I'm taking it day by day. I have good days and bad days, thankfully more of the good. Sometimes my pain is worse, sometimes my exhaustion is overwhelming, but my family takes care of me and I come back around. Thank you all for continuing to ask about my health. I won't know much about whether the chemo is working or not until the middle of May. After my fourth round of chemo, we will retest to see what progress we've made and discuss any changes in my treatment that may be necessary. Until then, we are just continuing on the path we laid out. My third chemo cycle begins Tuesday so I am again preparing.
Thank you for the jokes on the last blog! They were just what I needed! In fact, I loved them so much, please feel free to add a random joke to any entry. If laughter is the best medicine, you could be helping my health as well as my spirits!
I got pictures back from the dinner party a couple weeks ago, so you can check out our feast!
We just read your latest blog. It is good to hear that you have more good days than bad. It sounds like you are totally entertained by your grandchildren! You are in our thoughts and prayers.
Bob & Cathy Krayer
I just wanted to let you know I love the new hairstyle and Kenz's short bob looks great, too! It's been so long since I've seen you guys, but I want you to know you are all in our thoughts and prayers.
Here are some jokes Paula sent me. I think Bob will get a kick out of the last one....
One day, a man came home and was greeted by his wife dressed in a very sexy nightie. 'Tie me up,' she purred, 'and you can do anything you want.'
So he tied her up and went golfing.
A woman came home, screeching her car into the driveway, and ran into the house. She slammed the door and shouted at the top of her lungs, 'Honey, pack your bags. I won the lottery!'
The husband said, 'Oh my God! What should I pack, beach stuff or
mountain stuff?' 'Doesn't matter,' she said. 'Just get out.'
Marriage is a relationship in which one person is always right, and the other is a husband.
A Polish immigrant went to the DMV to apply for a driver's license.
First, of course, he had to take an eye sight test. The optician showed him a card with the letters: 'C Z W I X N O S T A C Z.'
'Can you read this?' the optician asked.
'Read it?' the Polish guy replied, 'I know the guy.'
A wife was making a breakfast of fried eggs for her husband.
Suddenly, her husband burst into the kitchen. 'Careful,' he said, 'CAREFUL! Put in some more butter! Oh my GOD! You're cooking too many at once. TOO MANY! Turn them! TURN THEM NOW! We need more butter. Oh my GOD! WHERE are we going to get MORE BUTTER? They're going to STICK! Careful . CAREFUL! I said be CAREFUL! You NEVER listen to me when you're cooking! Never! Turn them! Hurry up! Are you CRAZY? Have you LOST your mind? Don't forget to salt them. You know you always forget to salt them. Use the salt. USE THE SALT! THE SALT!'
The wife stared at him. 'What in the world is wrong with you? You think I don't know how to fry a couple of eggs?'
The husband calmly replied, 'I just wanted to show you what it feels like when I'm driving.'
***********************************Love You, Erin
p.s. Thanks, Paula!
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