Saturday, January 19, 2008


The following is a recap of this past week.... 8 procedures and doctor's appointments. Pulmonary function went well. Constrast CT scan on my chest provided more information. My teeth are clean and in great shape. My shrink says I'm doing wonderfully. I had three MRIs of my thoracic and lumbar spine, and my brain. Not being a radialogist, I cannot say for sure, but when I looked at the film it looked clean to me, and I do have a brain. Remember the MRI? It's documented. I got to watch the biopsies on my neck in the sonogram machine while they were doing it. Fascinating. Again, I didn't see anything unusual in my lymph nodes, I think they are clean too. My theory is that my lymph nodes are glowing in the PET scan because they are working overtime to rid my body of this cancer. We'll find out on Tuesday what is going on. Dr. Segota meets with the oncology team to discuss my case, reviewing all the new information that was gathered. Then she will meet with me 3:30 Tuesday. Keep praying.

After the biopsies, Bob and I stopped at Houstons for a relaxing lunch, came home, snuggled, and took a nap. Then we went to see Charlie Wilson's War. We came home again, jumped in bed, and shared a piece of key lime pie, which we had bought at Houstons earlier.

Later at night, the biopsies caused my neck to swell and become very sore. I tried a heating pad and repositioning myself, and I could not relieve the soreness. Then God intervened. Tiny, Annabelle's kitten, whom we are babysitting, came and settled in across my neck. She was the perfect size and weight, soft as silk, and warm. She began to purr and I fell asleep. Purring is one of those sweet mysteries of life. Truly a gift from God.


Anonymous said...

Just caught up on your blog. There is a magic in purring. Cat's purr, horse's breath deep only exhailing,dogs wage thier tails,birds mutter,and God hold's all in his arms with comfort. It is the ability to take a deep breath and push forward knowing he is there....Proud of you Jayne. Love, JODY

Anonymous said...

This is what you call one of God's "Tiny" miracles. Expect bigger and better ones to come.

Loved seeing you today, I love your company!
