There is a special relationship between grandparents and grandchildren that is an instant bond of acceptance, healing, and laughter. The magic children feel in the presence of their grandparents is like a sprinkling of fairy dust. It fills them with the secret that they are the most enchanting creatures God has sent to the earth and the very fact that they exist is magnificent joy. I love to watch my granddaughters swing open the door to my house completely confident that they are ushering in a shower of sunlight and the Hallelujah chorus with them. They know that they are royalty in my eyes, and the adoration is mutual. The Bible says, "Children's children are the crown of the aged." I don't usually refer to myself as "the aged," but I can certainly identify with the rest of the proverb! My grandchildren are the beautiful, glorious rewards of my own parenting. They are like the lines that connect the dots in the picture of a family. I am so thankful to be alive to see God once again carry a part of me into a new generation. For the past few weeks, I have laid for hours at a time with tiny Avery asleep on my chest. What is it about newborn babies that makes them smell so good? She is a perfect gift from heaven, and Shannon has been wonderful enough to bring her three girls over often so I can get in my fill of cuddling and kisses. Annabelle even observed a family resemblance between Avery and me, since she came out bald, just like her grandma!
We were thankful to learn that the sample of spinal fluid extracted during my lumbar puncture tested negative for cancer. This doesn't guarantee that my spinal fluid is completely clear, but it is certainly a good sign that two out of two tests were not able to detect cancer. I am scheduled for another two rounds of chemotherapy, and will then undergo the routine scans in mid-March to check for any changes in my disease.
I'm still pretty tired most of the time, but Dr. Segota said I should start regaining energy since the treatment I'm on now does not have many aggressive side effects. While being out most of the day would still completely wipe me out, she said it would be good to get a little activity into my routine. This was great news for Mackenzie who has found plenty of reasons to get me out of the house for meetings with florists, dj's, photographers, and a flurry of wedding-related vendors!
With my somewhat unpredictable levels of energy, Bob and I have had to miss some weeks of Bible study on nights that I have felt particularly drained. Last Monday Bob called to let them know I was going to have to go to bed early so we would not be able to make it. I was very touched when our doting friends Buzz and Donna showed up after they left Bible study with some of my favorite comfort foods - including a delicious pea soup. A few days later, sweet MaryJo came by with a savory stew, and then again with a snuggly warm blanket she had made as a Valentine's Day gift. God has really put a special group of people into our lives.
Understandably, I have a growing curiosity in anything I can learn about heaven. The Bible gives a few hints about what awaits us, and some Christian writers have written fascinating books describing their extrapolations on what the Bible has told us. Bob has been reading to me from Joni Eareckson Tada's book called Heaven. The ideas she has on eternal life are beautiful. She is as inspirational a writer as she is a role model. If you are looking for some stimulating literature, I'd recommend her writings.
Thank you for your continued prayers. God bless!