Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Times They Are A-Changin!

Well I'm sure you all understand my absence from writing the past few weeks since the holidays are busy for everyone, but this year has been especially exciting for us as we await Shannon's new baby - now three days overdue - and New Year's Eve ushered in a big change as (drumroll please) Mackenzie got engaged! That's right folks! My condolences to all you hopeful single men who have been waiting for your big opportunity, but my youngest daughter is officially off the market for good. And her fiance Aaron's creative proposal certainly put the other stories I've heard to shame. Aaron and Mackenzie met when they were both students at UF, but these days Aaron is working in North Carolina while Mackenzie cares for me here in Florida. Since Aaron was not in the area, he enlisted Mackenzie's best friend Laura to convince her to go see a showing of an independent film on New Year's Eve Laura said was made by a friend of a friend. Mackenzie spent the days leading up to New Year's offering more than a few protests about the "stupid" holiday plans. And if you know Mackenzie at all, she does not have a reputation for being the most bearable of dissenters. I still have to get pointers on how Laura managed this miracle, but she was able to win the battle and drag Mackenzie out to the movie theatre on New Year's Eve. When they had found their seats, the movie began, starting with Aaron on the big screen telling Mackenzie that he loved her and since he couldn't be with her on this holiday, he made a film reflecting on their relationship as a substitute. The movie recapped memories and showed his need for her in his life with a great deal of humor. A few moments after the show had ended, Aaron further surprised a tearful Mackenzie by appearing from backstage and bringing her to center stage where he proposed, in front of her friends who had been hiding in the back of the theatre. The romantic surprise was topped off with a champagne toast and a profusion of pictures.

We are thrilled that Mackenzie has found a God-fearing man who loves and appreciates all that is special about her. Aaron is in the process of interviewing at medical schools around the country, so they will be married this summer and will move near whichever school God reveals to them as His choice for their future. Then Mackenzie will get some use out of that BFA degree in musical theatre by auditioning for jobs at regional theatres in the area.

I am so thankful that God has given me another goal to work toward now that the birth of Shannon's baby is so near. I had asked you to join me in praying that I would live long enough to hold this new baby, and I have to admit that as Shannon's due date drew near, my physical and mental health began to deteriorate quickly. Without making a conscious decision to do so, I think I treated the baby's birth as an approaching deadline. I was joyful God had granted our request to let me see my granddaughter, but I had no major goal beyond that one to give me a strong desire to hold on. After the baby was born, I would be free to leave this life behind and join my Savior in heaven. But with Mackenzie and Aaron's big news, I now have a another momentous date I want to live to see! So I am asking you to pray with me once again - first praising the Good Lord for sustaining my life until now so that I can greet Shannon's precious child any day now, and then that He may continue to give me breath to see Mackenzie be married to Aaron. All the exciting changes coming in our family have already significantly buoyed my body and spirit.

I successfully underwent gamma knife surgery a few weeks ago and was completely exhausted the days following. With the metal frame bracing my head and four needles pushing through my skin and resting against my skull to ensure no movement during the procedure, I looked like I could have been the star of a science fiction movie. Dr. Grabel, the neurosurgeon, pinpointed eight cancer lesions on my brain and treated them with aggressive radiation. In about two months, I will undergo brain scans to determine the success of the treatment, which is statistically highly effective.

This week Dr. Segota has ordered an MRI of my spine to check the status of the cancer in my spinal fluid. If it has grown, the extent of its progress will be checked with a spinal tap, and then we will discuss the treatment necessary to ward off its continued spread. If the cancer in my spinal fluid is stable, then I will return to usual chemotherapy which treats the cancer in the rest of my body.

My sister Jody is back in town keeping me up too late talking and laughing again. It is really incredible how much God has blessed me with an ever-changing, ever-growing, always-loving family. I am a remarkably fortunate woman.

The future Mr. and Mrs. Webel!

The gamma knife torture frame complete with screws, and I'm still smiling!