Yesterday I had an afternoon appointment with my oncologist where we received a lot of information about my case. Bob and two of my daughters, Erin and Mackenzie, were able to come with me. Shannon had to stay home with her daughters, but offered to make us all dinner after the appointment since she couldn't come with us - good deal!
Here is what I learned from Dr. Segota:
The cancer has not metastasized to my brain, however, it is in my spine. It also appears to be in my adrenal gland, which is located next to the kidney. The biopsy of my lymph nodes showed that my right node above the collar bone contains cancer. Since my tumor is in the left lung, the fact that my right node is infected allows them to assume the left nodes would also be malignant.
Dr. Segota has ordered a biopsy of my adrenal gland to be 100% sure it is malignant. She stressed that it is very unlikely that they would find the adrenal gland to be cancer-free, but we would certainly rather be sure.
So here's the answer everyone has been waiting for. I have Stage 4 cancer, which clinically speaking, means it is inoperable and incurable. This, of course, does not limit God's ability to perform drastic miracles, and I will continue to do everything I can to promote my healing including continuing to pray for healing.
The adrenal biopsy will be next week, and they'll put my chemo port in the same day. Medical treatment will begin February 5, with my first round of chemotherapy. I will be taking two forms of chemo, Taxol and Carboplatin, as well as a newer drug called Avastin. Dr. Segota said about 50% of people in my position live under a year from the time of diagnosis and 50% live over a year. She has every reason to believe I'll be one of the longer living because of my good health otherwise, positive attitude, and youth (I'm a mere 29 years old, remember?).
Again, I want to stress that this is simply the medical information I got yesterday. God's plan for me may be 100 more years on earth enjoying my husband, kids, and grandkids.
In the meantime, I got my nails done, and I must say, they look fabulous! Plus, Suzi brought over some beautiful flowers in a pot we had painted together to brighten my kitchen. The tag on the pot included this encouraging verse: "An anxious heart weighs a man down, but a kind word brings healing. -Proverbs 12:25." I am so thankful for all your kind words in emails, cards, calls, visits, and comments on this blog - which I must say is one of my favorite forms of encouragement because they are a public forum, so they not only speak to me, but to the others who read my blog.
Some of you have told me you are technically challenged like I am. If you are having trouble leaving comments, hopefully these instructions will help. At the bottom of each blog entry, there is a link saying, "0 comments," or maybe, "62 comments" :). Click on that and type your comment in the box that appears. Then type in the verification code below the box. Here's what I think was confusing people, don't try to put a username and password. Just click where it says "nickname" and type in your name. Ignore where it says "URL," and post the comment! Easy as pie! Can't wait to hear from all of you!
I am so thrilled that my darling son Steve and his wife and daughter are coming to visit me next week. He's in the Navy and has been moving from base to base for the past 17 years, so each visit from him creates big excitement. But although my son has been far, he has been incredibly supportive of me. In fact, he offered to shave his head with me when I lose my hair. I said that wasn't such a sacrifice, but if he was willing to wear one of the embarrassing warming cancer hats, that would really be something! This is what resulted...

God bless!